Thought I’d get this quickie in before I forget. Had a really
great little session last week when we decided to venture off to one of our favourite
rock marks for the first time this year.
On a bit of a whim we headed off to catch the last couple of
hours of the ebb. The mark fishes well at all states of the tide and with dusk
approaching I was confident that the Pollock would put in an appearance with
the added chance of an early bass. With quite a large swell our favoured ledge
was sporadically engulfed by the sea and having forgotten the waders I opted for getting wet in order to cast out along a reef. I started off fishing a 14g
Dexter wedge fitted with a single hook, searching out the nooks and crannies in
search of anything on the feed. Still feeling a little rusty I was sure this
was the way forward and sure enough the fish started to bite. Stuart was first in
with a nice little pollock and after something tapping at my lure like a
woodpecker I managed to hook into my first gar of the year.
Stuart managed another pollock and a gar too I think. It was getting dark quickly and as the sunlight faded I changed lure to a softie and accustomed
myself to the dark for the last hour. I’d forgotten what it was like chucking
lures in the dark but as my night vision came on I remembered how much I loved
it. After chucking metal for the last hour it was nice to be flicking out and twitching some
plastic. I had opted for a 3.75” Ecogear BTS shad on a 7g Decoy violence jig
head. This was instantly getting attention and before long I landed this lovely
little pollock.
Short but sweet; it was great to be back on the rocks and
even better to be catching again. Mission next time; bass!!
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